Saturday, January 3, 2009

Good stress or bad stress- choice Vs chance

Look back & get experience

Look forward & see hope

Look around & see reality

Look within & feel confident.- Unknown Author

I have received many mails regarding thinking, feeling and action. How our thinking, feeling and action lead to good or bad stress. Here I try to simplify a complex matter. There are three types of living as follows,
1. your life is driven by chance 
2. your life is driven by choice
3. your life is driven by confusion

          3 'C'

Now you check it how you are driven by your life in your personal interpersonal and work domain. Make a chart and work out on your own. 

useful web resources

1.More than 1500 psychology dictionary terms defined

maintained by

2. Blog I have found very useful to you.

Destressing Yourself creates success and happiness. If you take
control of your thoughts, you take control of your feelings. If you
take control of your feelings, you take control of your stress, which in turn
creates success and happiness.

3. Trans4mind is dedicated to introducing the best available personal development methods for transformation of body, mind and spirit - to free us of the shackles of the past by reawakening awareness of our true identity in the present. lots of free resources

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tools and games for training

Team building activities & exercises
Icebreakers, warmups, & energizers
Group games for fun
Ideas for camp activities & games
Name games & get to know each other
Trust-building activities
Psychological self-awareness exercises
Environmental education games
Physical activities for groups
Multicultural, cross-cultural & intercultural
Peace education experiential activities
Indigenous games & activities
Ropes Courses (Rope Challenge Courses)

Strategies to improve your learning and performance

Excellence can be attained if you….
Care more than others think wise!
Risk more than others think safe!
Dream more than others think is practical!
Expect more than others think is possible!

                                                         - Unknown Author 

Strategies to improve your learning and performance

There is just a thin line between your performance and stress. Same task or situation can be viewed as stress or opportunity for learning. The following strategies you need to check to improve your learning and performance.
1. Avoidance
If you feel incompetent you probably seek to escape from it. Avoidance will prevent you from learning new skills. Learning require active effort, it is natural we feel incompetent before mastering any task or skills. To master a task or skill first you take it as challenge and focus your mind on the process but not the end result.
2. Believe
Success or failure mostly result of our attitude but not depends on our ability. You know we have unlimited potential. Our belief becomes our attitude, feelings and our action. Identify your self created limiting believes and challenge them.
3. Comparison
Every one is unique. Comparison creates negative impact on your learning and performance. You can compare yourself with your own progress, it will motivate you. But don’t compare yourself with others negatively.
4. Distraction 
Our worries, anxiety and external events distract us. Distraction decreases our concentration and focus. Identify your distraction and minimize it.
5. Effort 
If you are willing to spare your time and energy you can reach your goal. Set priority, keep your focus, do it with commitment and motivate yourself.
6. Feel it and Fix it
Knowing is not enough to achieve something. You must feel the importance of what you are doing, create meaning, and contemplate mindfully. Aware of your own chronic mistakes and failures find out the reason and challenge them.  

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top three protecting shields

James Thomas ( delivers the top three protecting shields as determined by me.

These protecting shields guard us against stress, and are very Biblical as well. James brings in scripture to support these as Christian principles.

very nice video

please follow the link


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Becoming Survival of the fittest

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." -Albert Einstein

Wish you happy New Year 2009

400 year old tree is near by  Puducherry, India. Learn from this tree, better equipped yourself, learn,  share, grow. Develop your support systems and skills.

Happy New year and Happy bloging!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Self-Help book

An excellent self-help book by Dr. Clayton E. Tucker-Ladd

resource including,

CHAPTER 1 Understandings about Self-Help
CHAPTER 2 Steps in Self-Help

Understanding the Solution and the Problem
CHAPTER 3 Values and Morals: Guidelines for Living
CHAPTER 4 Behavior, Motivation, and Self-Control
CHAPTER 5 Stress, Anxiety, Fears,
and Psychosomatic Disorders
CHAPTER 6 Happiness, Depression and Self-Concept
CHAPTER 7 Anger and Aggression
CHAPTER 8 Dependency and Conformity
CHAPTER 9 Understanding Ourselves and Our Relationships
CHAPTER 10 Dating, Love, Marriage, and Sex

How to Apply Self-Help Methods
CHAPTER 11 Methods for Changing Behavior
CHAPTER 12 Methods of Changing Emotions
CHAPTER 13 Methods for Developing Skills
CHAPTER 14 Methods for Changing Our Thoughts,
Attitudes, Self-concept, Motivation,
Values, and Expectations
CHAPTER 15 Methods for Gaining Insight into Ourselves

I just love to read this books it is a excellent self-help encyclopedia not a book. my sincere thanks to the Dr. Clayton E. Tucker-Ladd 


Students and stress

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, nor to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. "            -Buddha

 Pressures facing college students have been a cause of concern because of their impact both on mental health and academic performance. In recent years, homesickness and worries associated with meeting course requirements are good examples, although non academic worries are often included. Individuals in colleges and universities experience a wide array of stressful events. Many students move away from home for the first time. This can necessitate leaving all previously learned support systems such as parents, siblings and high school friends. Students may need to develop entirely new social contacts. They might be responsible for their own needs for the first time. They may have difficulty adjusting to more rigorous academic expectations and the need to learn to deal with individuals of differing cultures and beliefs.  The term has also been used to refer to life events and difficulties such as bereavement or financial hardship that may be considered universally threatening without the proviso in assessment that the event caused stress, upset, or worry. If students successfully cope with changes and challenges, it can also provide the opportunity to learn new competencies and to develop new and rewarding social relationships. To reduce the academic stress and increase your performance,

check your ABCD...

  • Avoidance - you avoid something even it is very important
  • Believe - self- created limitations
  • Comparison- that demotivates you
  • Distraction - obstacles, findout what bulling you back
  • Effort - how / where you spend most of your time, energy
  • Feel it then Fix it