Monday, November 17, 2008

Stress Hardiness

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.”

- Tao Tzu

Hardiness, or resistance to stress
three qualities that make you hardi. check it whether you have it.cultivate the following ingredients,

Commitment: People who are high in commitment are fully involved in what they are doing and they give it their best effort--best shot. They have a curiosity about whatever is happening to them versus feelings of alienation from people or the environment.

Control: People who feel that they can influence events and surroundings, who feel that they can make things happen. They a strong sense of self-efficacy and an internal locus of control versus feelings of powerlessness or feeling like a victim of circumstances.

Challenge: People who take on life as a challenge welcome new situations for the opportunities to learn, to grow, to develop on a personal level, rather than looking at everything new as a possible threat.

path to hardiness

ability to


your thinking, feeling and acting to reach your desired, realistic goal.