The serenity prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Research in the area of stress and coping indicates that the manner in which a person responds to stress is greatly influenced by longstanding personality traits. Many of the stress management programs teach participants only one such as relaxation etc. or few strategies, and skills. These programs are incomplete may be little beneficial because it may not suites to the individuals need. Stress counseling is an in depth, unique and dynamic process through which a professional assist another person to use his or her resources to handle effectively on the negative consequences of stress. At the same time, make the person to understand the positive consequences of stress.
Why we need stress counseling
1. Lack of awareness
Many people are not aware of their own thinking, feeling and behaviour. They simply exist with an easy feelings and problems.
2. Lack of self-responsibility
Many people remain in a dependency situation, they wait passively, they are not striving for independence or self-sufficiency.
3. Lack of skills
The person may know what the situation is but because the person responds emotionally, this knowledge does not help to change behaviour.
4. Loss of contact
People withdraw from the environment when they are stressful including significant others.
5. Lack of feedback
When they are emotional they become confused which lead to wrong decision or in decision.
Stress counseling is not
-giving information, although information may be given
-interviewing, although interview may be involved
-listening, although listening is present
-giving advice, suggestion and recommendations
Major goal of stress counseling is
Facilitating behaviour change
Enhancing coping skills
Promoting problem solving and decision making
Improving relationships
Facilitating personal development / effectiveness
One to one professional help ultimately has been found valuable in assisting people to modify their stressful life style and enhancing personal effectiveness.