Wednesday, February 11, 2009

self-regulation and stress

"He is able who thinks he is able."-Buddha

Source of our stress whatever it may be
Our own thoughts
Other person
Our situation or condition
We have a power of choice to choose our response to it.
Our personal control and self regulation play a major role in how we handle our own stressful situation. Personal control is the perception that one has the ability, resources or opportunities to get positive outcomes or avoid negative effects through one’s own actions. Control refers to the ability to monitor and inhibit one’s own emotions, thoughts and behaviour. Perceived control is associated with emotional wellbeing, reduced physiological impact of stressors, enhanced ability to cope with stress, improved performance, less pain and a greater likelihood of making difficult behaviour changes. The self-regulation of human behavior involves setting goals, and monitoring and evaluating behavior and thoughts. An attempt is made to reduce discrepancies between standards and behavior. Ultimately self-regulation cannot succeed unless it is successful both at monitoring the state in relation to the goal and at making the changes and adjustments as desired. Goal setting is an integral component of self-regulation. Effective goal setting requires that people set a long-term goal, break it into short-term, attainable sub-goals, monitor progress and assess capabilities, adjust the strategy and goal as needed, and set a new goal when the present one is attained. This multi-step plan is a key to promoting healthier human functioning, higher motivation and perceived self-efficacy, and self-regulated learning and performance across the life span. If goals have been achieved, a person may engage in reinforcing thoughts and/or activities (self-reinforcement). Problems in the self-regulation of behavior or thoughts may result in distress. It may be that goals are set at levels that are too high or at levels that an individual does not believe he or she is capable of achieving. Set specific goal, generate more alternate ways to achieve, believe we have a choice and monitor your progress to avoid distress.